Cover2Cover Books’ flagship series, Harmony High, continues to receive high praises from learners and educators across South African schools. The series centres on the lives of teenagers attending Harmony High, a fictional township high school. The Rattray Foundation, which distributes the books to rural schools in KwaZulu-Natal and monitors their use on behalf of FunDza Literacy Trust, reports that teachers and principals are excited about the Harmony High series. Ben Henderson, chief executive of the Foundation, says that educators in many of the schools they work with have noticed a significant change in learners’ attitude toward reading. The principal of Siyanda High School, for example, says “the kids are so enthusiastic about the books that they are not even waiting to return them to the library before passing them on. They also sit silently in the library engrossed in their reading.” Henderson has congratulated the publisher on this initiative, saying that “the books have started what we hope will be a revolution”. Harmony High series currently has five titles: Broken Promises, Jealous in Jozi, Sugar Daddy, Too young to die, and Two-faced friends. Three more titles are in production. “We are overjoyed by this feedback. It confirms once again that we have hit the right mark with our formula to encourage young people to fall in love with the written word”, says Palesa Morudu, managing director of Cover2Cover Books.